Off the Cuff June 24, 2019


Off the Cuff: CVH Clinical and Community Connections for State & Local Public Health Departments
Information from state and national partners
Facilitated by the Cardiovascular Health Network of NACDD
Issue 151, June 24, 2019
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Calls and Webinars Worth Your Time

Develop or Strengthen Community Health Workers Infrastructure Webinar
Tuesday, July 9, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. ET

Sponsor: CDC Divisions for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention and Diabetes Translation

This webinar will review and discuss the recently released CDC tools and resources and their applicability to statewide infrastructure and sustainability for Community Health Workers (CHWs). The discussion will be designed to foster a rich dialogue among CDC cooperative agreement funding recipients, and to encourage learning from each other. Further, discussions will focus on how these tools and resources can support or be integrated into states’ respective efforts and contexts.

Learning objectives for this webinar are:

  • Discuss availability of recently published Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention/Division of Diabetes Translation (DHDSP/DDT) resources and tools that can support or be integrated into efforts that focus on developing or strengthening statewide infrastructure and sustainability for CHWs.
  • Select tools and resources based on the applicability to one’s own context.
  • Highlight state examples of how tools were, or could be, used for infrastructure and sustainability for CHWs.
  • Discuss key take away messages from the webinar for developing or strengthening statewide infrastructure and sustainability strategies related to CHWs. 
Click here to register.

News and Resources from CDC, NACDD, and National Partners

From American Hospital Association and National Urban League

Building A Community Health Worker Program: The Key to Better Care, Better Outcomes, & Lower Costs Toolkit and Community Health Workers Case Studies 


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